Sunday, May 20, 2018

Jabba at the bat

I need more movement. My life is sedentary. I only seem to move for about an hour about 75 minutes a day. 60 minutes at the gym, and then the 15 minutes right after I leave the gym, where I pat myself on the back for having gone to the gym. That leaves 22 hours and 45 minutes a day in which I am basically Jabba the hut… and not kick ass tavern scene, gold bikini Leia/wild ass giggle monster having Jabba… I am talking off screen Jabba. The laying around laughing, a loud obnoxious laugh, to myself… kind of sweaty for no explainable reason… dreaming of eating critters, Jabba. Just working out an hour a day, does not give me permission to be a complete fucking toad the rest of the day.

I fucking sweat when I sleep. Have you ever been driving your car, and it starts to sputter, and you cross your fingers and PRAY to god that you can just get your car to your destination before it dies. That “sputtering” is the automotive equivalent to sweating in your sleep. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that I get to my destination before my body gives out. A healthy lifestyle, probably should include a higher percentage of my “life”. There are so many things I enjoy doing, that would help multiply the physical benefits I am aiming for by going to the gym

1)      Hiking… (total fucking lie. But I live in Oregon, and I think it’s a state law that we say we like hiking… but holy shit, what a nightmare activity. Walking in the heat with bugs… “hey look, trees! And over there, more god damn trees, YAY. I live in Oregon, trees are such a novel thing… and not at all part of my day to day scenery.” )
2)      Golf… (yes, its hardly a fitness oriented activity.. but 2 hours of walking and chatting with your friends, while engaged in semi competitive sport, is better than sitting around watching tv.)
3)      Softball… (Again,  not exactly an elite athlete maker, but its better than sitting around all day. At least it is me being up and active. Plus, I owe it to the sport of softball to get out and play. I am a gift)
4)      Take the stairs instead of the elevator. (This is the motto of every office girl in dress slacks, but wearing white off brand tennis shoes, but maybe they are on to something)
5)      I can play catch with my kids. (they are shitty at sports though.. so catch always turns into “bounce things off their heads and watch them cry”… but rolling around laughing is a form of exercise)

The point is. I have found that too big a percentage of my life is spent sedentary. I need to make physical activity be more prevalent. An hour of activity at the gym, is not enough. I also have started doing lunges and squats and crunches during the work week. I do them every hour on the hour. My goal is just to make sure to get up and get the blood flowing throughout the day. Fitness and health is a lifestyle, not something you force yourself to do now and then. There is a snowball effect to health. If I am diligent about getting up, and doing physical activities, the feeling of carving activity grows. Conversely, if I sit around all day jacking off and watching cartoons, I will tend to make that type of activity my standard. I have lost MANY a day to those bugaboo time thieves.

I am going to get up, get out, get moving… get my blood flowing. An hour a day of working out, isn’t enough.

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